24.Jan.2018 // 19:30
WUK, Projektraum
24.Jan.2018 // 19:30
WUK, Projektraum
Berndt Thurner
Sylvie Lacroix, flute
Michael Krenn, saxophone
Alex Lipowski, percussion
Igor Gross, percussion
Mathilde Hoursiangou, piano
Thomas Wally, violin
Barbara Riccabona, cello
Maximilan Ölz, double bass
Stuart Saunders Smith
Commune (2016/17)
Vibraphone solo and ensemble D: 90′ (Austrian premiere)
Stuart Saunders Smith (*1948 in Portland, Maine, USA) is one of the leading composers of his generation in the USA. As a composer, poet and editor of literary works, he has created an extensive catalog of works. The spectrum of his scores, which go back to many different musical and extra-musical sources of inspiration, reaches from graphic to complex notes. Similar to Morton Feldman, the music of Stuart Saunders Smith aims to dissolve the sense of time and space. From harmonious structures & fields, Saunders Smith develops motifs, lines and larger segments that create patterns through repetitions that grow together to form fascinating, kaleidoscopic sound mosaics. Stuart Saunders Smith lives in seclusion in New England / Vermont, surrounded by sprawling forests where he finds peace and creative power for his music.
“Music is not reason. Music need not have anything to do with logic or sequencing. I want the structure of music to be just as alive as life. When I compose, each note is there for a sound.” – Stuart Saunders Smith
Währinger Str. 59, 1090 Wien
TICKETS (Abendkassa)
standard: 18,- Euro
reduced: 13,- Euro
students: 9,- Euro
Stuart Saunders Smith (1948 in Portland, Maine, USA) zählt zu den führenden Komponisten seiner Generation in den USA. Als Komponist, Poet und Editor literarischer Werke hat er einen umfangreichen Werkkatalog geschaffen. Ähnlich wie bei Morton Feldman zielt die Musik von Stuart Saunders Smith auf das Aufheben des Gefühls für Zeit und Raum ab. Aus harmonischen Strukturen & Feldern entwickelt Saunders Motive, Linien und größere Segmente, die über Wiederholungen Muster erzeugen, die zu faszinierenden, kaleidoskopartigen Klangmosaiken zusammenwachsen.
Commune für Vibraphon und Ensemble, komponiert für Berndt Thurner, als österreichische Erstaufführung.
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