Musikforum Viktring

11.Jul.2024 // 19:30
Musikforum Viktring-Klagenfurt 2024
Stift Viktring, Arkadenhof

Doris Nicoletti, flute
Walter Seebacher, clarinet
Michael Krenn, saxophone
Mathilde Hoursiangou, piano
Samuel Toro Pérez, e-guitar
Roland Schueler, cello

Duo So:und
Julia Schneckenleitner, saxophone
Katharina Wegscheider, voice

Duo Lufttore
Yingshuo Ma, saxophone
Piotr Motyka, akkordeon

Musikforum Masterclass Saxofon
class of Prof. Michael Krenn

Duo Krenn/Lavuri
Michael Krenn, saxofone
Luca Lavuri, piano

Rupert Struber, percussion



Mikel Urquiza
Opus Latericium for flute, saxophone, clarinet and piano, 2018

Mirela Ivičević
Lil for electric guitar, saxophone, cello and electronics, 2022

Jagoda Szmytka
F* for Music
for electric guitar and amplified cello, 2012

With three exciting works, PHACE is a guest at the opening concert of the Musikforum 2024 in Klagenfurt. And apart from that, there is a lot to hear this evening in the arcade courtyard of Viktring Abbey.

I. Prelude “Next Generation” – Cross-generational, the Viktring-Klagenfurt Music Forum will be kicking off on July 11, 2024 with the Prelude “Next Generation “. The young Duo So:und and the Duo Lufttore take you into completely new, colorful sound worlds with experimental pieces by Thomas Kessler and melodic pieces by Lori Laitmann. Characteristically contrasting contemporary repertoire tests the wide range of what is “feasible” in rarely experienced ensembles.

II. Interludium –Students of the Musikforum Masterclass Saxophone under the direction of Prof. Michael Krenn use the unique architectural possibilities of the Viktring Abbey venue to create a collective overtone sound bath in the form of James Tenney’s Saxony to build up the tension towards the main program item of the evening.

III. Main part – The highlight of the opening in 2024 will be created by members of the PHACE ensemble – passion, fire and unbridled desire – music at the cutting edge, the Duo Krenn / Lavuri and exceptional percussionist Rupert Struber, as a collective fireworks display without limits, both in terms of genre, instrument and repertoire.


Banner Image: Klagenfurt Viktring Stift Arkadenhof West-Ansicht, cropped
(c) Johann Jaritz CC BY-SA 4.0

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